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How to Eat Healthy While Pregnant on a Budget

Nutritious Meals on a Budget for Pregnant Women

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  • Healthy Meals
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  • Planning Meals

Pregnancy is pricey. The pennies spent on prenatal vitamins, maternity clothes and doctor visits add up over nine months, and that is before the expenses of raising a child really begin. One way you can save is to plan your meals carefully and keep a strict grocery budget. It is essential for you and the baby that you eat a healthy, well-balanced diet, but good nutrition doesn't have to break the bank. Discuss your diet with your physician to make sure you and the baby are getting all of the necessary vitamins, minerals and other nutrients for a healthy pregnancy.

Plan Ahead

One of the keys to grocery shopping on a budget is to plan ahead. At the beginning of the week, sit down with several cookbooks and make a detailed meal plan for each day including breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. Write a shopping list and stick to it at the store. In order to avoid wasting fresh produce, you may need to shop twice a week.


During your pregnancy, you'll need between 75 and 100 grams of protein per day. One excellent and inexpensive source of protein is beans. Most grocery stores sell dried beans in bulk for much less than the canned varieties. Soak the beans overnight and then use them to make soup, or incorporate them in pasta or salad dishes. Meat is a pricier source of protein, but red meat is rich in iron -- essential for making red blood cells and maintaining a healthy placenta. See if you can find a farmer in your area who sells fresh meat. Local sellers often charge less for meat since they don't have to pay for shipping or storage.


Constipation is an unfortunate side effect of pregnancy for many women. You can alleviate the symptoms by eating a diet rich in whole grains. Oatmeal and other whole-grain cereals are an inexpensive and healthy sources of high-fiber carbohydrates. Oatmeal is also an excellent source of folate -- a nutrient needed in the early stages of pregnancy to prevent neural tube defects in your baby. Stir a few tablespoons of flax seed into your oatmeal in the morning for an extra dose of omega-3 fatty acids which help with fetal eye and brain development.

Fruits and Vegetables

Fresh produce is probably the biggest grocery expense, but fruits and vegetables contain many nutrients essential for your pregnancy including vitamin C, folate and iron. Save money by buying frozen produce, which has the same nutritional value but at a much lower price. Incorporate frozen fruit into a smoothie for a healthy breakfast and add a bag of frozen vegetables to a broth-based soup for dinner. Another option is to shop at a local farmers market. When you do buy fresh produce, only buy enough for two days so that none goes to waste.


Your baby needs calcium in order for his bones and teeth to develop properly. Dairy products, naturally rich in calcium, can be a little pricey. In order to save, buy generic milk, yogurt and cheese and avoid more expensive name brands. Try to incorporate dairy into every meal. For breakfast, stir shredded cheese into a hot bowl of cream of wheat or add it to your omelet. Eat a cup of yogurt with your lunch. At dinner time, add cheese and sour cream to a bowl of chili and drink a glass of low-fat milk.


Writer Bio

Carolyn Robbins began writing in 2006. Her work appears on various websites and covers various topics including neuroscience, physiology, nutrition and fitness. Robbins graduated with a bachelor of science degree in biology and theology from Saint Vincent College.

How to Eat Healthy While Pregnant on a Budget
