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Black Ops 2 Can't Connect to Xbox Live

  • I wrote a batch file in Notepad using win XP, it works, but when you are finished, the black screen is still there. How can I automatically have the black screen disappear.

    I wrote a batch file in Notepad using win XP, it works, but when you are finished, the black screen is still there.    How can I automatically have the black screen disappear.


    Use it as the last command in the file beats.


    I hope this helps.

    Rob Brown - Microsoft MVP<- profile="" -="" windows="" expert="" -="" consumer="" :="" bicycle=""> <- mark="" twain="" said="" it="">

  • Im trying to connect an external display, but it will appear on the screen why is that

    After replacing my hard drive I tried to connect my laptop to my external screen I could before and now, just a blue screen on my other screen will not appear, but the laptop still detects

    Update your graphics card driver and try again.

  • Why do not know why I am blocked from Xbox live, can't do any of the forbidden newspaper instructions

    Posted here does not allow me on the xbox site, shows just a screen of the application of the law and won't allow any newspaper in. How to find out why it was given. 7 years and hundreds of books, lost the DLC. No explanation... Email clearly indicates that I should be able to view the information

    Notice of enforcement of Xbox Live

    [DO NOT REPLY to this e-mail address. It is not controlled it.]

    This message is to inform you that your Xbox Live account has been the subject of prosecution because of a violation of the Convention of Microsoft Services.

    This notification was sent to your Xbox Live account and the email address associated with your Microsoft Account. For more information, please visit

    This violation was brought to the attention of the team Xbox Live & application of rules through complaints filed by other Xbox Live players or our operation of the service. After reviewing all the complaints and other available evidence, team Xbox Live & application of a determined policy as a violation of the Microsoft Services Agreement is produced and adopted the appropriate application.

    Please how do I know the reason fornti

    Hi suspensionsInfoIf has an account takes part in the activity or conduct that violates the agreement on Microsoft Services or Code of conduct, it may be subject to a suspension of account. If you are unsure why your account has been suspended or to learn more about the application process, click on Info to access the Xbox Live & policy enforcement. Here, you can view your run history, including when you received suspensions, what type of breach has occurred, and the impact of the application on your account. You can also know of account suspension device prohibition policies, types of law enforcement, and Xbox Live and why some violations require enforcement action. If you have any questions, you can drop a case through the history of your application study and receive a response from the administrator, who will conduct a thorough investigation and explain why the suspension occurred

    By visiting the, you can:

    Display your application historyLearn why violations of the Microsoft Services Agreement adversely affect the service communityLearn how to Stay Safe on xbox live and Xbox Live and avoid future violationsLearn how your application affects your account on Xbox 360, Xbox, and Xbox on Windows


    Your Question is beyond the scope of this community...

    I suggest that repost you in the Xbox Forums.

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  • Whenever I try to connect to my internet I get 'local internet only' and when I try to repair it it says that there may be a problem with your dns server.

    problem with connecting to the internet

    whenever I try to connect to my internet I get 'local internet only' and when I try to repair it it says that there may be a problem with your dns server, I looked for a solution for centuries now, and no one can seem to help me! Please someone help me?


    First off I'm going to assume that when you say "local internet only", you really mean "local only". Also, I'll assume you are using a router for internet connection broadband. If I am wrong, then you will have to describe the answer how you try to connect to the internet more in detail.

    First of all, your router. The indicators show that there is an internet connection? Consult the manual, which probably came on a CD with the router. Internet connection led can resemble a planet with rings or a circle with a lower-case i in the middle of it, or some other symbol. It can also have a caption saying 'internet' or 'connected '. If the router is not connected while your PC will not have access to the internet.

    Click the Start button and type "cmd" then press ENTER. In the window type (mainly black) which results in ipconfig and press to enter. Transcribe the results of the command ipconfig for a response.

    Your (wired or wireless) network card is set to automatically get an ip address? Otherwise, set it to do that and also to get information from DNS server automatically...

    • Right-click on the icon network at the bottom right of your screen, and then click Network and sharing Center
    • In network and sharing Center, click on manage the network connections (on the left)
    • Right click on 'Connect to the Local network' or 'Wireless Network Connection' depending on how you connect to the router
    • Click on select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4), and then click the properties button
    • If things are not set to 'automatic', please note all numbers so that you can restore the settings if necessary
    • Make sure that "Obtain an IP address automatically" and 'DNS server automatically get an address' is selected, then click OK
    • Click on close

    If you are using a wireless connection, what happens if you try to connect to your router with an Ethernet cable?

    Please post back with your comments to the above and give more details about your configuration, i.e. router brand and model (or another material of Internet), if you connect wireless or with an Ethernet cable, etc. etc.


  • Hello, Ive just purchsed PSE 13 and when you click on the download button, nothing happens. It routes me to a black screen with an icon of Adobe, but that's all. Can someone help me in what I should do next?

    Hello, Ive just purchsed PSE 13 and when you click on the download button, nothing happens. It routes me to a black screen with an icon of Adobe, but that's all. Can someone help me in what I should do next?

    Make sure that you are logged on the Adobe site, having cookies enabled, clearing your cookie cache.  If it fails to connect, try to use another browser.

  • Whenever I have to connect on Firefox I get message saying that I am not on the current version, but I am. -Version 30.0 'up-to-date' what's the deal?

    Whenever I have to connect on Firefox I get message saying that I am not on the current version, but I am. -Version 30.0 'up-to-date' what's the deal?

    What is your homepage in Firefox that it may seem like the old start page for Firefox by Google because it has the message "you are not on the latest version of Firefox. Update today to get the best of the Web! "under the search field.

    Google did not maintain this homepage from Firefox 4.0 came out as it was on: House since.

  • Hello, when I turn on my imac it says that the keyboard is not connected. It is however a wireless keyboard. What can I do?

    Hello, when I turn on my iMac it says that the keyboard is not connected. It is however a wireless keyboard. What can I do?

    Hey scjane, take a look at this topic Support of Apple. It's been archived, but I think it's just for OS X 10.7...

    Apple wireless keyboard: difficulties in matching the process - Apple Support

  • Why do I get a message saying that I am not connected to the Internet when you try to install IOS 9.3?

    WWhy I get a message saying that I am not connected to the Internet when you try to install IOS 9.3?

    It is a known issue and Apple is working on a fix for 9.3. This article summarizes some of the problems with the current version.

  • My iPad will not update because updating cannot be verified, because he says that I am not connected to the Internet, but I am?

    I can't update my iPad to ios9 because the error message says that my update cannot be verified because I am not connected to the Internet, but I am logged in?

    Annoying, isn't it? I have the same problem but technical support person responded with a solution. Or maybe it's just too messed up a forum to find the answer? No m

    or by e-mail. There are problems with Safari as well...

  • IPad is connected to internet but cannot install update because he says that I'm not connected

    My ipad will not be updated to the latest version because he says that I am not connected to the internet, but I am

    You want to wait a while before putting the iPad 2.  There were people who got their ipad 2 has hung up.

    Please read this long list of problems.

    With the help of iPad


  • I stopped to receive mail after December 31.  It indicates that the computer cannot connect to my account but when I log in with my password I get the message "this account already exists." How can I get my email account to work again?

    I stopped to receive mail after December 31.  It indicates that the computer cannot connect to my account but when I log in with my password I get the message "this account already exists." How can I get my email account to work again?

    MacBook Air, OS X El Capitan

    First of all, make sure that you don't have two accounts with the same address. What happens if one of them is an iCloud account.

    From the Mail menu bar, you select

    ▹ Connection Doctor window

    In the window that opens, look for an SMTP (outgoing mail) account with a name that corresponds to the account that you are trying to add. Double-click it. Another window opens, displaying the list of all outgoing mail accounts. Click the sign button less to remove the corresponding one, and then click OK.

    Try to add the email account again. If you still can not, log off or restart the computer, and then open the preferences window accounts Internet and check if the account is displayed.

  • my laptop says that it is not connected to the internet

    Original title: network programs network networking Internet Web site Site Web Web Site URL

    Can someone help me; my laptop says that it is not connected to the internet, I can't understand the wireless problem but my daughter's laptop connects fine.
    It brought me to this site in question--but is not on the internet? So why he says I am not connected? What is happening lately, it worked fine before?

    Hi Lgbeerle,

    1. What is the operating system installed on your computer?

    2 have you made changes to your computer recently?

    3. where are you getting this error?

    You can access this forum on the Internet. To resolve this problem, I suggest you follow the link and check if it helps.

    Windows wireless and wired network connection problems

    I hope this helps.

  • I try to send an email I get a message at the top of the screen actually say that Hotmail cannot process and suggesting I check my internet connection.

    My hotmail account is playing up - suggestions pls for the following scenario.  I try to send an email I get a message at the top of the screen actually say that Hotmail cannot process and suggesting I check my internet connection.  I check the connection and everything is ok.  I'm trying to move from one folder to another and sometimees I get the same message.  I delete the 'old' content and it reappears in the folder.  Everything is very confused.  Any suggestions please?

    Please try the Hotmail Forum

  • Network Ricoh Aficio 2027 PCL 5 printer, I am trying to connect to is not on my list of printers available, and when I type in I get a message that it is not properly typed

    The network Ricoh Aficio 2027 PCL 5 printer, I am trying to connect to is not on my list of printers available, and when I type in I get a message that it is not typed correctly.

    Right Church wrong Pew. Post here instead-online

  • Black Ops 2 Can't Connect to Xbox Live
