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Best Upgraded Gun in Black Ops 2 Zombies


  • 1 Handguns
    • 1.1 M1911 vs Mustang and Sally
    • 1.2 Python vs Cobra
    • 1.3 Five-seven vs Ultra
    • 1.4 Dual Wield Five-Seven vs Ultra & Violet
    • 1.5 B23R vs B34R
    • 1.6 Executioner vs Voice of Justice
    • 1.7 KAP-40 vs Karmic Atom Perforator-4000
    • 1.8 Remington New Model Army vs Sassafras
    • 1.9 Mauser C96 vs Boomhilda
  • 2 Melee Weapons
    • 2.1 Silver Spoon vs Golden Spork
    • 2.2 One Inch Punch vs Iron Fists
  • 3 Submachine Guns
    • 3.1 MP5 vs MP115 Kollider
    • 3.2 Chicom CQB vs Chicom Cataclysmic Quadruple Burst
    • 3.3 AK74U vs AK74-FU2
    • 3.4 PDW-57 vs Predictive Death Wish 57000
    • 3.5 M1927 vs Speakeasy
    • 3.6 Uzi vs Uncle Gal
    • 3.7 MP40 vs The Afterburner
    • 3.8 Skorpion EVO vs Evolved Death Stalker
  • 4 Assault Rifles
    • 4.1 FAL vs WN
    • 4.2 SMR vs SM1L3R
    • 4.3 MTAR vs Malevolent Taxonomic Anodized Redeemer
    • 4.4 Type 25 vs Strain 25
    • 4.5 M8A1 vs Micro Aerator
    • 4.6 Colt M16A1 vs Skullcrusher
    • 4.7 M14 vs Mnesia
    • 4.8 Galil vs Lamentation
    • 4.9 M27 vs Mystifier
    • 4.10 AN-94 vs Actuated Neutralizer 94000
    • 4.11 AK47 vs Reznov's Revenge
    • 4.12 STG-44 vs Spatz-447 +
    • 4.13 SCAR-H vs Agarthan Reaper
  • 5 Light Machine Guns
    • 5.1 HAMR vs SLDG HAMR
    • 5.2 RPD vs Relativistic Punishment Device
    • 5.3 LSAT vs FSIRT
    • 5.4 MG08/15 vs Magna Collider
  • 6 Sniper Rifles
    • 6.1 DSR 50 vs Dead Specimen Reactor 5000
    • 6.2 Barrett M82A1 vs Macro Annihilator
    • 6.3 SVU-AS vs Shadowy Veil Utilizer
    • 6.4 Ballista vs Infused Arbalest
  • 7 Shotguns
    • 7.1 Olympia vs Hades
    • 7.2 Remington 870 MCS vs Refitted-870 Mechanical Cranium Sequencer
    • 7.3 M1216 vs Mesmerizer
    • 7.4 S12 vs Synthetic Dozen
    • 7.5 KSG vs Mist Maker
  • 8 Launchers
    • 8.1 RPG vs Rocket Propelled Grievance
  • 9 Specials
    • 9.1 War Machine vs Dystopic Demolisher
    • 9.2 Ballistic Knife vs Krauss Refibrillator
    • 9.3 Death Machine vs Meat Grinder
  • 10 Wonder Weapons
    • 10.1 Ray Gun vs Porter's X2 Ray Gun
    • 10.2 Blundergat vs The Sweeper
    • 10.3 Acid Gat vs Vitriolic Withering
    • 10.4 Ray Gun Mark II vs Porter's Mark II Ray Gun
    • 10.5 Paralyzer vs Petrifier
    • 10.6 Staff of Fire vs Kagutsuchi's Blood
    • 10.7 Staff of Ice vs Ull's Arrow
    • 10.8 Staff of Lightning vs Kimat's Bite
    • 10.9 Staff of Wind vs Boreas' Fury
  • 11 Trivia


M1911 vs Mustang and Sally

M1911 Mustang and Sally
M1911 BOII.png Mustang and Sally BOII.png
Damage 20 1000 direct impact, 1200-75 explosion
Multiplier head: x3.5

chest: x1.25 abdomen: x1.1

Fire mode Semi-automatic Semi-automatic
Rate of fire 625 RPM 300 RPM
Magazine size 8 6/6
Max ammo 80+8 50+6/6 (100+6/6 Wii U version)
Reload 1.63, 1.8 empty 1.6
Mobility High High
Extras Dual Wield, fires grenades, slower rate of fire, smaller magazine, less ammo, and a minutely faster reload time.

Python vs Cobra

Python Cobra
Python Zombies BOII.png Cobra BOII.png
Damage 1000-300 1000-600
Fire mode Double-action (semi-automatic) Double-action (semi-automatic)
Rate of fire 625 RPM 625 RPM
Magazine size 6 12
Max ammo 84+6 96+12
Mobility High High
Extras Fast Mag, larger magazine, more ammo, higher damage at long range

Five-seven vs Ultra

Five-Seven Ultra
Five-seven Zombies BOII.png Ultra BOII.png
Damage 160-90 300-180
Fire mode Semi-automatic Semi-automatic
Rate of fire 750 RPM 750 RPM
Magazine size 20 20
Max ammo 120+20 200+20
Mobility High High
Extras More ammo, higher damage
Possible Attachments Fast Mag

Dual Wield Five-Seven vs Ultra & Violet

Five-Seven Dual Wield Ultra and Violet
Five Seven Dual Wield BOII.png Ultra & Violet BOII.png
Damage 160-90 300-180
Fire mode Semi-automatic Semi-automatic
Rate of fire 625 RPM 625 RPM
Magazine size 15/15 20/20
Max ammo 435+15/15 505+20/20
Mobility High High
Extras More ammo, larger magazine, higher damage

B23R vs B34R

B23R B34R
B23R BOII.png B34R BOII zombies.png
Damage 160-100 200-150
Fire mode 3 Round Burst Automatic
Rate of fire Per burst: 937 RPM (1250 RPM for the first 2 rounds);
Overall: 703 RPM
937 RPM (1250 RPM for the first 2 rounds)
Magazine size · 15 (standard)
· 24 (w/ Extended Clip)
· 20 (standard)
· 30 (w/ Extended Clip)
Max ammo · 105+15 (standard)
· 168+24 (w/ Extended Clip)
· 180+20 (standard)
· 270+30 (w/ Extended Clip)
Mobility High High
Extras More ammo, larger magazine, becomes full-auto, higher damage
Possible Attachments Fast Mag

Executioner vs Voice of Justice

Executioner Voice of Justice
Executioner BOII.png Voice of Justice Zombies.png
Damage 130-15 x8 350-45 x12
Fire mode Double-action (semi-automatic) Double-action (semi-automatic)
Rate of fire 468 RPM 468 RPM
Magazine size 5 5
Max ammo 75+5 100+5
Mobility High High
Extras More ammo, higher damage, more pellets per shot, faster reloading
Possible Attachments Long Barrel

KAP-40 vs Karmic Atom Perforator-4000

KAP-40 Karmic Atom Perforator-4000
KAP-40 BOII.png Karmic Atom Perforator-4000 zombies.png
Damage 150-100 200-140
Fire mode Automatic Automatic
Rate of fire 937 RPM 937 RPM
Magazine size 12 15
Max ammo 96+12 180+15
Mobility High High
Extras More ammo, larger magazine
Possible Attachments Fast Mag

Remington New Model Army vs Sassafras

Remington New Model Army Sassafras
Remington New Model Army BOII.png Sassafras BOII.png
Damage 1000-300 1000-600
Fire mode Double-action (semi-automatic) Double-action (semi-automatic)
Rate of fire 625 RPM 625 RPM
Magazine size 6 12
Max ammo 84+6 96+12
Mobility High High
Extras Double magazine capacity, more ammo, higher damage at long range

Mauser C96 vs Boomhilda

Mauser C96 Boomhilda
Mauser C96 BOII.png Boomhilda Origins BOII.png
Damage 20 1000
Fire mode Semi-automatic Semi-automatic
Rate of fire 625 RPM 600 RPM
Magazine size 8 50
Max ammo 80+8 100+50
Mobility High High
Extras Much higher magazine capacity, more ammo, higher damage, gains an ACOG Sight and a Suppressor, fires laser beams.

Melee Weapons

Silver Spoon vs Golden Spork

Silver Spoon Golden Spork
Silver Spoon BOII.png Golden Spork BOII.png
Damage 1100 10000
Fire mode Melee Melee
Extras Much higher damage

One Inch Punch vs Iron Fists

One Inch Punch Iron Fists
One Inch Punch BOII Zombies.png Upgraded One Inch Punch BO2.png
Fire mode Melee Melee
Extras Significant damage increase, effects of punch depends on what Elemental Staff the player is holding.

Submachine Guns

MP5 vs MP115 Kollider

MP5 MP115 Kollider
MP5 Zombies BOII.png MP115 Kollider BOII.png
Damage 100-50 140-80
Fire mode Automatic Automatic
Rate of fire 750 RPM 750 RPM
Magazine size 30 40
Max ammo 120+30 200+40
Mobility High High
Extras More ammo, larger magazine, higher damage

Chicom CQB vs Chicom Cataclysmic Quadruple Burst

Chicom CQB Chicom Cataclysmic Quadruple Burst
Chicom CQB Zombies BOII.png Chicom Catacyclism Quadruple Burst BOII.png
Damage 100-60 160-120
Fire mode 3 Round Burst 4 Round Burst (+ Automatic if Select Fire is obtained)
Rate of fire 1250 RPM per burst & overall 1250 RPM per burst & overall
(937 RPM Select Fire)
Magazine size 40 40
Max ammo 120+40 200+40
Mobility High High
Extras More ammo, higher damage, becomes 4-round burst
Possible Attachments Grip, Reflex Sight, Select Fire, Fast Mag

AK74U vs AK74-FU2

AK74U AK74-FU2
AK74u zombies.png AK74fu2 zombies.png
Damage 120-80 190-140
Fire mode Automatic Automatic
Rate of fire 750 RPM 750 RPM
Magazine size · 20 (standard)
· 30 (w/ Extended Clip)
· 40 (standard)
· 50 (w/ Extended Clip)
Max ammo · 160+20 (standard)
· 180+30 (w/ Extended Clip)
· 280+40 (standard)
· 300+50 (w/ Extended Clip)
Mobility High High
Extras More ammo, larger magazine, Reflex Sight added, higher damage

PDW-57 vs Predictive Death Wish 57000

PDW-57 Predictive Death Wish 57000
PDW-57 BOII.png Predictive Death Wish 57000 Zombies BO2.png
Damage 90 175-100
Fire mode Automatic Automatic
Rate of fire 750 RPM 750 RPM
Magazine size 50 50
Max ammo 200+50 350+50
Mobility High High
Extras More ammo, higher damage
Possible Attachments Reflex Sight, Millimeter Scanner, Target Finder

M1927 vs Speakeasy

M1927 Speakeasy
M1927 BOII.png Speakeasy BOII.png
Damage 90-60 180-100
Fire mode Automatic Automatic
Rate of fire 937 RPM 937 RPM
Magazine size 50 50
Max ammo 350+50 400+50
Mobility High High
Extras More ammo, higher damage

Uzi vs Uncle Gal

Uzi Uncle Gal
Uzi BOII MoTD.png Uncle Gal BOII MoTD.png
Damage 100-60 230-80
Fire mode Automatic Automatic
Rate of fire 937 RPM 937 RPM
Magazine size 25 25
Max ammo 275+25 300+25
Mobility High High
Extras More ammo, higher damage

MP40 vs The Afterburner

MP40 The Afterburner
MP40 Origins First person BOII.png MP40 Afterburner Origins BO2.png
Damage 110-60 200-120
Fire mode Automatic Automatic
Rate of fire 535 RPM 600 RPM
Magazine size 32 64
Max ammo 192+32 256+64
Mobility High High
Extras Double magazine capacity, more ammo, higher damage

Skorpion EVO vs Evolved Death Stalker

Skorpion EVO Evolved Death Stalker
Skorpion EVO BOII.png Evolved Death Stalker Origins BO2.png
Damage 110-40 210-60
Fire mode Automatic Automatic
Rate of fire 1250 RPM 1250 RPM
Magazine size 32 40
Max ammo 256+32 320+40
Mobility High High
Extras Higher magazine capacity, more ammo, higher damage
Possible Attachments Reflex Sight, Target Finder, Fast Mag

Assault Rifles


FAL Zombies BOII.png WN BOII.png
Damage 160-130 240-180
Fire mode Semi-automatic 3 Round Burst
Rate of fire 535 RPM 535 RPM per burst (335 RPM overall)
Magazine size 20 30
Max ammo 180+20 360+30
Mobility Medium Medium
Extras More ammo, larger magazine, Reflex Sight, 3-round burst, higher damage


SMR BOII.png SM1L3R First Person BO2.png
Damage 80-60 120-110
Fire mode Semi-automatic Semi-automatic
Rate of fire 535 RPM 535 RPM
Magazine size 20 30
Max ammo 140+20 420+30 only on first upgrade (210+30 for the following times)
Mobility Medium Medium
Extras More ammo, larger magazine, much better accuracy, higher damage
Possible Attachments Hybrid Optic (first time only), Target Finder, Reflex Sight, Millimeter Scanner.

MTAR vs Malevolent Taxonomic Anodized Redeemer

MTAR Malevolent Taxonomic Anodized Redeemer
MTAR BOII.png MTAR Upgraded Origins BO2.png
Damage 140-100 210-150

(M320: 135 Direct Impact, 125-50 explosion)

Fire mode Automatic Automatic
Rate of fire 750 RPM 750 RPM
Magazine size 30 30
Max ammo 240+30 360+30
(M320: 8+1)
Mobility Medium Medium
Extras More ammo, iron sights have increased zoom, higher damage
Possible Attachments Reflex Sight, Millimeter Scanner, Target Finder, EOTech Sight, Grenade Launcher

Type 25 vs Strain 25

Type 25 Strain 25
Type 25 BOII.png Strain 25 BOII.png
Damage 110-70 160-110

(M320: 135 Direct Impact, 125-50 explosion)

Fire mode Automatic Automatic
Rate of fire 937 RPM 937 RPM
Magazine size 30 30
Max ammo 150+30 270+30
(M320: 8+1)
Mobility Medium Medium
Extras More ammo, Fast Mag, higher damage, slightly increased accuracy, slightly less recoil
Possible Attachments Reflex Sight, Millimeter Scanner, Target Finder, EOTech Sight, Grenade Launcher

M8A1 vs Micro Aerator

M8A1 Micro Aerator
M8A1 BOII.png M8A1 Upgraded Origins BO2.png
Damage 100-80 150-110

(M320: 135 Direct Impact, 125-50 explosion)

Fire mode 4 Round Burst 4 Round Burst
Rate of fire 1250 RPM per burst (789 RPM overall) 1250 RPM per burst (789 RPM overall)
Magazine size 32 42
Max ammo 192+32 336+42
(M320: 8+1)
Mobility Medium Medium
Extras More ammo, larger magazine, higher damage
Possible Attachments Reflex Sight, Millimeter Scanner, Target Finder, EOTech Sight, Grenade Launcher

Colt M16A1 vs Skullcrusher

Colt M16A1 Skullcrusher
M16A1 Zombies.png Skullcrusher BO2.png
Damage 100-70 150-100

(M203: 700 direct impact, 400-75 explosion)

Fire mode 3-Round Burst Automatic
Rate of fire 750 RPM per burst (511 RPM overall) 750 RPM
Magazine size 30 30
Max ammo 120+30 270+30
(M203: 8+1)
Mobility Medium Medium
Extras More ammo, becomes fully-automatic, Grenade Launcher, higher damage

M14 vs Mnesia

M14 Mnesia
M14 BOII ZM.png Mnesia BO2.png
Damage 105-80 200-150
Fire mode Semi-automatic Semi-automatic
Rate of fire 625 RPM 625 RPM
Magazine size 8 16
Max ammo 96+8 192+16
Mobility Medium Medium
Extras More ammo, double magazine, Grip, higher damage

Galil vs Lamentation

Galil Lamentation
Galil Zombies BOII.png Lamentation BOII.png
Damage 150-100 220-150
Fire mode Automatic Automatic
Rate of fire 750 RPM 750 RPM
Magazine size 35 35
Max ammo 315+35 490+35
Mobility Medium Medium
Extras More ammo, Reflex Sight, higher damage

M27 vs Mystifier

M27 Mystifier
M27 Zombies BOII.png Mystifier BOII.png
Damage 150-100 220-150
Fire mode Automatic Automatic
Rate of fire 750 RPM 750 RPM
Magazine size 30 30
Max ammo 240+30 360+30
Mobility Medium Medium
Extras More ammo, higher damage
Possible Attachments Reflex Sight, Target Finder, Millimeter Scanner

AN-94 vs Actuated Neutralizer 94000

AN-94 Actuated Neutralizer 94000
AN-94 BOII.png Actuated Neutralizer 94000 Zombies BOII.png
Damage 120-75 200-160
Fire mode Automatic Automatic
Rate of fire 625 RPM (937 RPM for the first 2 rounds) 625 RPM (937 RPM for the first 2 rounds)
Magazine size 30 50
Max ammo 300+30 600+50
Mobility Medium Medium
Extras More ammo, larger magazine, higher damage
Possible Attachments Millimeter Scanner, Reflex Sight, Target Finder, Foregrip

AK47 vs Reznov's Revenge

AK47 Reznov's Revenge
AK47 Zombies BOII.png Reznov's Revenge BOII.png
Damage 150-100 250-200
Fire mode Automatic Automatic
Rate of fire 750 RPM 750 RPM
Magazine size 30 30
Max ammo 240+30 270+30
Mobility Medium Medium
Extras More ammo, higher damage

STG-44 vs Spatz-447 +

STG-44 Spatz-447 +
STG-44 BOII.png StG-44 Upgraded Origins BO2.png
Damage 120-70 200-140
Fire mode Automatic Automatic
Rate of fire 750 RPM 750 RPM
Magazine size 30 60
Max ammo 210+30 330+60
Extras Larger magazine, more ammo, higher damage

SCAR-H vs Agarthan Reaper

SCAR-H Agarthan Reaper
SCAR-H BOII.png Agarthan Reaper Origins BOII.png
Damage 210-100 300-150
Fire mode Automatic Automatic
Rate of fire 625 RPM 625 RPM
Magazine size 30 40
Max ammo 270+30 440+40
Extras More ammo, larger magazine, higher damage
Possible Attachments Reflex Sight, Fast Mag, Target Finder, ACOG Scope

Light Machine Guns


Damage 190-120 250-190
Fire mode Automatic Automatic
Rate of fire 625 RPM (937 RPM for the first 7 rounds fired) 625 RPM (937 RPM for the first 7 rounds fired)
Magazine size 125 125
Max ammo 375+125 625+125
Mobility Low Medium
Extras More ammo, higher damage
Possible Attachments Reflex Sight, ACOG Scope, Grip

RPD vs Relativistic Punishment Device

RPD Relativistic Punishment Device
RPD Zombies BO2.png Relativistic Punishment Device BOII.png
Damage 140-100 180-140
Fire mode Automatic Automatic
Rate of fire 750 RPM 750 RPM
Magazine size 100 125
Max ammo 400+100 750+125
Mobility Low Low
Extras More ammo, larger magazine, higher damage, slightly better accuracy


LSAT BOII.png FRIST zombies.png
Damage 190-150 250
Fire mode Automatic Automatic
Rate of fire 750 RPM 750 RPM
Magazine size 100 100
Max ammo 400+100 600+100
Mobility Low Low
Extras More ammo, higher damage
Possible Attachments Target Finder, Grip, Reflex Sight, ACOG Scope

MG08/15 vs Magna Collider

MG08/15 Magna Collider
MG 08 Origins BOII.png Magna Collider Origins BOII.png
Damage 200-110 250-140
Fire mode Automatic Automatic
Magazine size 100 100
Max ammo 400+100 600+100
Reload 3s loaded, 4s empty reload 3s loaded, 4s empty reload
Mobility Low Low
Extras More ammo, bullets ricochet off of enemies to collide with others, amount of ricochets appear to be infinite, tighter hip fire spread, higher damage.

Sniper Rifles

DSR 50 vs Dead Specimen Reactor 5000

DSR 50 Dead Specimen Reactor 5000
DSR 50 Zombies BOII.png Dead Specimen Reactor 5000 BOII.png
Damage 800-550 1000
Fire mode Bolt-action Bolt-action
Rate of fire 50 RPM 50 RPM
Magazine size 4 8
Max ammo 48+4 96+8
Mobility Medium High
Extras More ammo, larger magazine, less sway, higher damage
Possible Attachments Iron sight, Variable Zoom, Suppressor

Barrett M82A1 vs Macro Annihilator

Barrett M82A1 Macro Annihilator
Barrett M82A1 BOII.png Macro Annihilator BOII.png
Damage 600-500 900
Fire mode Semi-automatic Semi-automatic
Rate of fire 416 RPM 416 RPM
Magazine size 5 7
Max ammo 30+5 42+7
Mobility Medium High
Extras More ammo, larger magazine, Variable Zoom, higher damage, improved hipfire accuracy

SVU-AS vs Shadowy Veil Utilizer

SVU-AS Shadowy Veil Utilizer
SVU-AS BOII.png SVU-AS Upgraded BO2.png
Damage 550 900
Fire mode Semi-automatic Semi-automatic
Rate of fire 416 RPM 416 RPM
Magazine size 12 12
Max ammo 96+12 192+12
Mobility Medium Medium
Extras More ammo, Variable Zoom, higher damage

Ballista vs Infused Arbalest

Ballista Infused Arbalest
Ballista Iron Sight BOII.png Ballista Upgraded BO2.png
Damage 150 400-200
Fire mode Bolt-action Bolt-action
Rate of fire 51 RPM 51 RPM
Magazine size 8 10
Max ammo 64+8 120+10
Extras Higher magazine capacity, more ammo, higher damage
Possible Attachments ACOG Scope, Iron Sight


Olympia vs Hades

Olympia Hades
Olympia Long Barrel BOII.png Hades BO2.png
Damage 150-29 x4 600-135 x4
Fire mode Semi-automatic Semi-automatic
Rate of fire 212 RPM 212 RPM
Magazine size 2 2
Max ammo 38+2 60+2
Mobility Medium High
Extras More ammo, faster reload, incendiary rounds, higher damage

Remington 870 MCS vs Refitted-870 Mechanical Cranium Sequencer

Remington 870 MCS Refitted-870 Mechanical Cranium Sequencer
Remington 870 MCS BOII.png R870 Upgraded BO2.png
Damage 310-15 x4 600-30 x4
Fire mode Pump-action Pump-action
Rate of fire 80 RPM 80 RPM
Magazine size 6 10
Max ammo 48+6 70+10
Mobility High High
Extras More ammo, larger magazine, higher damage
Possible Attachments Reflex Sight

M1216 vs Mesmerizer

M1216 Mesmerizer
M1216 BOII.png M1216 Upgraded BO2.png
Damage 280-35 x4 975-72 x4
Fire mode Automatic (4 round rechamber) Automatic (6 round rechamber)
Rate of fire 468 RPM per burst (225 RPM overall) 468 RPM per burst (273 RPM overall)
Magazine size 16 24
Max ammo 48+16 72+24
Mobility High High
Extras More ammo, larger magazine, fires 6 rounds before rechambering, higher damage
Possible Attachments Reflex Sight

S12 vs Synthetic Dozen

S12 Synthetic Dozen
S12 BOII.png S12 Upgraded BO2.png
Damage 270-23 x4 560-48 x4
Fire mode Semi-automatic Semi-automatic
Rate of fire 468 RPM 468 RPM
Magazine size 10 10
Max ammo 30+10 50+10
Mobility Medium Medium
Extras More ammo, Fast Mag, higher damage
Possible Attachments Reflex Sight

KSG vs Mist Maker

KSG Mist Maker
KSG BOII.png Mist Maker Origins BO2.png
Damage 800-100 1000-200
Fire mode Pump-Action Pump-Action
Rate of fire 77 RPM 77 RPM
Magazine size 14 28
Max ammo 56+14 84+28
Extras Double magazine capacity, more ammo, Reflex Sight, higher damage, reloads 2 shells at a time


RPG vs Rocket Propelled Grievance

RPG Rocket Propelled Grievance
RPG BOII.png Rocket Propelled Grievance BOII.png
Damage 600 direct impact, 320-100 explosion 1200 direct impact, 600-100 explosion
Fire mode Single-Shot Fully-Automatic
Rate of fire N/A 187 RPM
Magazine size 1 8
Max ammo 20+1 40+8
Reload 3.292 Seconds 3.292 Seconds
Mobility Very Low High
Extras More ammo, higher magazine, higher mobility, becomes Fully-automatic, reloads all 8 rockets at once


War Machine vs Dystopic Demolisher

War Machine Dystopic Demolisher
War Machine Zombies BOII.png Dystopic Demolisher BOII.png
Damage 200 direct impact, 450-125 explosion 600 direct impact, 900-125 explosion
Fire mode Double-action (semi-automatic) Double-action (semi-automatic)
Rate of fire 240 RPM 240 RPM
Magazine size 6 6
Max ammo 18+6 48+6
Mobility Very low High
Extras Higher damage, grenades explode on impact, higher mobility, more ammo and faster reload (reloads all grenades at once)

Ballistic Knife vs Krauss Refibrillator

Ballistic Knife Krauss Refibrillator
Ballistic Knife Stuhlinger BOII.png The Krauss Refibrillator BOII.png
Damage 500 melee or shot (now remains the same with Bowie Knife) 1000 melee or shot (now remains the same with Bowie Knife)
Fire mode Single-Shot Single-Shot
Rate of fire N/A N/A
Magazine size 1 1
Max ammo 4+1 9+1
Mobility High High
Extras Instantly revives a fallen teammate when shot at. Melee attacks with a normal knife and the Bowie Knife (but not the Galvaknuckles) receive both a 10% damage increase as well as a 50% increase in animation speed when equipped along with the Krauss Refibrillator.

Death Machine vs Meat Grinder

Death Machine Meat Grinder
Death Machine BOII.png Meat Grinder MoTD BO2.png
Damage 220-150 350
Fire mode Automatic Automatic
Rate of fire 1200 RPM 1200 RPM
Magazine size 150 550
Max ammo 300+150 550+550
Extras More ammo, larger belt size, faster running speed and reload, higher damage

Wonder Weapons

Ray Gun vs Porter's X2 Ray Gun

Ray Gun Porter's X2 Ray Gun
Ray Gun BOII.png Porter's X2 Ray Gun BOII.png
Damage 1000 direct impact, 1500-300 splash 1000 direct impact, 2000-300 splash
Fire mode Automatic Automatic
Rate of fire 181 RPM 181 RPM
Magazine size 20 40
Max ammo 160+20 200+40
Mobility High High
Extras More damage through multipliers, double magazine, more ammo, lower splash damage to the player

Blundergat vs The Sweeper

Blundergat The Sweeper
Blundergat BOII.png The Sweeper BOII.png
Damage 1500 5000
Fire mode Single-Shot Semi-Automatic
Magazine size 1 2
Max ammo 60+1 120+2
Mobility High High
Extras Becomes automatic with an increased magazine capacity, more ammo.

Acid Gat vs Vitriolic Withering

Acid Gat Vitriolic Withering
Acid Gat BOII.png Vitriolic Withering BOII.png
Damage 2000-150 7500-1500
Fire mode 3-round burst 3-round burst
Magazine size 3 3
Max ammo 90+3 150+3
Mobility High High
Extras More ammo, attracts zombies more often.

Ray Gun Mark II vs Porter's Mark II Ray Gun

Ray Gun Mark II Porter's Mark II Ray Gun
Ray Gun Mark II BOII.png Ray Gun Mark II MoTD.png
Damage 2300
50000 headshot
100,000 headshot
Fire mode 3-round burst 3-round burst
Rate of fire 500 RPM per burst & overall 500 RPM per burst & overall
Magazine size 21 42
Max ammo 162+21 201+42
Reload 2.98s 2.98s
Mobility High High
Extras Double magazine capacity, more ammo, higher damage

Paralyzer vs Petrifier

Paralyzer Petrifier
Paralyzer BOII.png Petrifier BOII.png
Fire mode Automatic, but overheats Automatic, but overheats
Magazine size N/A, overheats when counter reaches 115. N/A, overheats when counter reaches 115.
Max ammo N/A N/A
Extras Longer overheat time (cooldown time is the same), kills slightly faster

Staff of Fire vs Kagutsuchi's Blood

Staff of Fire Kagutsuchi's Blood
Staff of Fire BO2.png {{{papimage}}}
Fire mode Automatic Semi-Automatic (Chargeable)
Magazine size 9 12
Max ammo 9+90 12+120
Mobility High High
Extras Staff Melee, Charge Staff, Sekhmet's Vigor

Staff of Ice vs Ull's Arrow

Staff of Ice Ull's Arrow
Staff of Ice BO2.png Ull's Arrow.png
Fire mode Semi-Automatic (Chargeable)
Magazine size 6 9
Max ammo 6+60 9+90
Mobility High High
Extras Staff Melee, Charge Staff, Sekhmet's Vigor

Staff of Lightning vs Kimat's Bite

Staff of Lightning Kimat's Bite
Staff of Lightning BO2.png Kimat's Bite Origins BOII.png
Fire mode Semi-Automatic (Chargeable)
Magazine size 12 18
Max ammo 12+120 18+180
Mobility High High
Extras Staff Melee, Charge Staff, Sekhmet's Vigor

Staff of Wind vs Boreas' Fury

Staff of Wind Boreas' Fury
Staff of Wind BO2.png
Fire mode Semi-Automatic (Chargeable)
Magazine size 3 6
Max ammo 3+40 6+60
Mobility High High
Extras Staff Melee, Charge Staff, Sekhmet's Vigor


  • Some upgraded weapons start with one less reserve magazine than their max amount: M1911 on Wii U only (94+6/6), Five-Seven Dual Wield (485+20/20) and SMR on the first upgrade (390+30).
  • In 'Black Ops II, the Pack-a-Punched weapons' camouflage depends on the map that is being played:
    • In Green Run, Die Rise, and Buried it is a swirling tone with a mix of red and green, and a shining metal covering.
    • In Mob of the Dead, it is a rock camouflage with glowing magma lines forming the symbol for human transmutation on it.
    • In Origins, it is a shiny light-blue camouflage that resembles ice, with what also appears to have an underlaying space design.
  • "LSAT" and "FSIRT" are anagrams of the words "last" and "first".
  • "B34R" is leet for "bear".
  • "SM1L3R" is leet for "smiler".
  • Some of the Pack-a-Punched weapon names are backronyms of the weapon's original name (i.e. the RPD becomes the " R elativistic P unishment D evice" and the MTAR becomes the " M alevolent T axonomic A nodized R edeemer").
    • "Synthetic Dozen" stands for "Synthetic 12", a backronym of the unupgraded name "S12".
  • "HAMR" is often called the "Hammer" by the community, so "SLDG HAMR" refers to a "sledge hammer".
  • "Ultra & Violet" refers to ultraviolet rays.
  • "Reznov's Revenge" refers to Viktor Reznov as the AK-47 was the last weapon Reznov wielded before his death.
  • The name of the Pack-a-Punched version of the Uzi, "Uncle Gal", is a reference to Major Uziel Gal, the designer of the Uzi.

Best Upgraded Gun in Black Ops 2 Zombies
