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Can You Upload a Document With Macros to Google Drive


Upload file to google drive

Howdy everyone
I need a VBA macro that would enable me to upload a file to google drive..
Thanks a lot for all great help I receive in this wonderful forum

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Re: Upload file to google drive

Possibly this will help:
Regards, TMS

Trevor Shuttleworth - Excel Assist

I dream of a better earth where chickens tin can cross the road without having their motives questioned

'Existence unapologetic means never having to say you're sorry' John Cooper Clarke


Re: Upload file to google drive

Forgot to say, that creates a pdf file in the Google Bulldoze.

However, the principle is the aforementioned. Get the location of the Documents folder, edit it and change information technology to Google Drive. And so go the current workbook's file name and edit as required. If you lot want to salve a copy of the .xlsm file, there's less to do and just utilise SaveCopyAs

Regards, TMS


Re: Upload file to google bulldoze

Thanks a lot Mr. Trevor
I didn't notice how to upload specific file to google drive .. I have a gmail account and there is Drive in google .. I demand to upload whatever type of file to it
Thanks very much


Re: Upload file to google drive

You're welcome.

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Re: Upload file to google drive

Thanks for the instructions but information technology is yet unsolved for me..
I demand to save or upload file to google drive


Re: Upload file to google drive

Whatsoever help with this topic?


Re: Upload file to google drive

What are y'all trying to save to Google Drive? The electric current file? Exercise you desire to use SaveAs, or practice you want to use SaveCopyAs? Or is it another Excel file? If information technology is another Excel file, is it open? And would you want to utilise SaveAs, or do y'all want to use SaveCopyAs? Or, if information technology is another file, of whatever blazon, where is it? And what type of file is it? So y'all'd need to locate it and copy it to the drive.


Re: Upload file to google drive

Thanks a lot for answer
I only demand to copy whatsoever extension (any file with any extension) to Google Bulldoze on my account a kind of backup for my files
If the file is already existed on Google Drive >> and so the lawmaking to overwrite the old one afterward alert bulletin
Thanks avant-garde


Re: Upload file to google drive

Well, I've explained how I decide the Google Drive location.

Follow this link to encompass copying files:


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Re: Upload file to google drive

Quote Originally Posted past TMS View Post

Maybe this will help:

Regards, TMS

-- So I edited this code to lucifer for my google drive- I ran the code and it did non give whatever errors, but information technology is not showing the saved file in my google drive folder.. tin you please recommend a solution?

Thank y'all!
