Running into errors on your WordPress site tin can be intimidating. Nonetheless, most errors give yous some clue as to what caused them, which tin can make troubleshooting these mutual issues a lot easier. The 503 fault is not as polite, unfortunately, and doesn't give you much information to go on.

Information technology helps to empathise what the most mutual causes are for the 503 error in WordPress. Afterwards that, you lot'll need to be methodical when information technology comes to troubleshooting the error, which ways post-obit several steps in society to locate the root cause.

In this article, we'll cover what the 503 mistake is and how information technology typically manifests. So nosotros'll guide you lot through half-dozen steps in order to troubleshoot information technology. Let'due south become to piece of work!

What Is an HTTP Error 503?

The Cyberspace Applied science Task Forcefulness (IETF) defines the 503 Service Unavailable equally:

The 503 (Service Unavailable) status lawmaking indicates that the server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overload or scheduled maintenance, which volition probable be alleviated later some delay. The server MAY send a Retry-Subsequently header field to suggest an advisable amount of time for the client to wait before retrying the request.

When you encounter the 503 error, it ways that the server in question is unavailable. That could be because information technology'southward too busy, for example, or information technology'due south under maintenance. Dissimilar other like error codes, 503 signifies that your website is online and running, but tin't be reached at the present moment.

What's so vexing about this particular error is that it barely gives you any data to go on. Most of the fourth dimension, it just shows upwardly with a "Service temporarily unavailable" message. That's the equivalent of calling a eating house via telephone, only to take them tell you that they're closed merely turn down to allow you know when they'll be open once again.

If you're lucky, the 503 error code will have occurred because your WordPress website is under maintenance. WordPress very briefly sets your site to maintenance way when yous're updating a plugin, a theme, or the cadre software:

HTTP 503 Error in WordPress
Maintenance mode

Normally, this timeout is and then cursory that no one will detect it. However, in those cases where the 503 error persists, you'll have a bigger problem to deal with. After all, not just will users be unable to visit your site, but you'll lose access to your WordPress admin area as well. That means yous can't update your site in any manner, and in order to troubleshoot it, y'all'll need to dig into its files.

Cheque Out Our Video Guide to The 503 Error

503 Error Variations

The 503 mistake can show up in a lot of ways. However, almost every variation comes accompanied by that 503 lawmaking, making it piece of cake to identify.

Here are some of the variations y'all might meet, depending on your server configuration and browser:

  • 503 Service Unavailable
  • 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable
  • HTTP Server Error 503
  • HTTP Fault 503
  • Error 503 Service Unavailable
  • The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please endeavour again later on.

Whatever the code you encounter might await like, it means yous need to get to work fast before it affects your users negatively.

Have you ever come across the 503 mistake in WordPress? That's a bummer! 😱Follow these half dozen steps to fix it and get your site back online in no seconds! Click to Tweet

How to Fix the 503 Error in WordPress (six Steps)

Since you lot oftentimes can't be sure what acquired the 503 mistake in whatever given situation, you'll need to go most troubleshooting it methodically. The post-obit vi sections each cover a potential prepare, aimed at resolving the different potential root causes.

After each stride, have a moment to return to your website and run across if the 503 fault is gone. If information technology is, you've successfully stock-still the issue. If non, continue on to the next step in the procedure.

1. Temporarily Conciliate Your WordPress Plugins

One of the most common causes of the 503 mistake in WordPress is plugin compatibility issues. To determine if that'due south what's happening, y'all'll need to disable all of your site'south plugins.

Since the 503 mistake prevents y'all from accessing the WordPress admin area, you'll need to apply an FTP client for this step. If you don't have one set, we recommend FileZilla.

In one case your FTP customer is ready, connect to your website through it and navigate to your WordPress root folder. In case you tin't find it, it's commonly chosen public_html, html, public, www, or your site'due south name. If you're a Kinsta client, it's your public binder.

WordPress root folder SFTP
WordPress root binder SFTP

Open that folder, and navigate to the wp-content directory. Inside, you'll see a folder called plugins, which contains individual subdirectories for each of the plugins installed on your site (both agile and inactive).

What you're going to do now is right-click on the plugins binder, and rename information technology to something else. We recommend or plugins.deactivated, then you can hands recognize information technology later.

WordPress plugins folder renamed
WordPress plugins folder renamed

WordPress will now non exist able to detect any of your plugins. When that happens, information technology will automatically disable those plugins.

Now, try accessing your WordPress dashboard. If the 503 error is gone, then you can assume that ane of your plugins was the culprit. All y'all have to exercise is figure out which 1 was at fault.

Return to the wp-content directory, and rename your original plugins binder correctly. So, y'all'll need to disable each of your plugins 1 by one, until you find the culprit.

To do this, open the wp-content/plugins directory. Inside, yous'll find ane folder for each of your plugins. The process yous're going to follow is much the same as before:

  1. Get-go with the showtime folder, and rename information technology to anything you like.
  2. Check your website to come across if the error is gone.
  3. If it isn't, return the plugin folder from the previous footstep to its original proper name.
  4. Move on to the side by side plugin on your list, repeating the above steps.

This process can have a while if you have a lot of plugins, but information technology's vital to check each plugin in turn. If at any point you identify the plugin that's causing the error, you can uninstall it or replace it with another tool.

If you make it to the end of these steps without finding a solution, y'all can move on to the next stage of troubleshooting.

2. Deactivate Your WordPress Theme

Now that you've ruled out your plugins as the cause of the 503 error, it's time to do the same with your active theme. In fact, your theme could likewise be creating compatibility issues.

Unfortunately, the process doesn't work the same as above. WordPress won't revert to the default theme if simply rename the theme folder, you would stop upwardly with an mistake similar "The theme directory "theme name" does non be." Or if yous try to rename the entire theme directory folder, you end up with "Error: The themes directory is either empty or doesn't exist. Please check your installation."

The theme directory does not exist error
The theme directory does not exist error

Therefore, you lot need to admission your WordPress database past logging into phpMyAdmin. If you're a Kinsta client, this can be found within the "Info" section of the MyKinsta dashboard.

MyKinsta phpMyAdmin
MyKinsta phpMyAdmin

Click into the "wp_options" table, then click on the "Search" tab. You will want to search under the "option_name" for template.

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phpMyAdmin wp_options table
phpMyAdmin wp_options table

Under the "option_value" column yous will see the electric current name of your theme. Alter this to ane of the default themes, such as "twentynineteen."

wp_options template name
wp_options template name

Check your website again to see if this has fixed the error. If it did, it simply means information technology'due south a problem with your WordPress theme and you might want to attempt reinstalling it or reverting to your virtually recent backup.

3. Temporarily Disable Your Content Commitment Network (CDN)

Sometimes, the 503 error volition show up non considering of a problem on your website, simply because of your Content Delivery Network (CDN). If yous're using a CDN, a quick style to figure out if that's the case is to temporarily disable it.

Every CDN should include some characteristic that enables you to pause its services. If yous're on Kinsta, you can disable your Kinsta CDN by navigating to CDN → "Disable CDN" within your MyKinsta dashboard:

MyKinsta CDN enable/disable option
MyKinsta CDN enable/disable option

The process you need to follow may be different depending on which CDN yous're using. Cloudflare has also been known to cause 503 errors sometimes. If you tin can't find the pick to pause yours, check out your service'south cognition base, which will usually contain detailed instructions.

If you don't apply a CDN or find that pausing your service doesn't help with your issue, there are yet a few more fixes to try. Practise remember to reactivate your CDN before moving on.

four. Limit the WordPress 'Heartbeat' API

The WordPress Heartbeat is an API congenital into WordPress, which the platform uses for auto-saving content, showing you plugin notifications, letting y'all know when someone else is working on a mail service you're trying to access, and more than.

Just like a regular heartbeat, the API works in the background with a high frequency so that it doesn't miss annihilation. Every bit you might imagine, this API consumes server resources. Usually, that's not a trouble simply in some cases, it may pb to a 503 mistake if your server tin't handle the load.

The quickest mode to make up one's mind if the Heartbeat API is at the center of your problems is to temporarily disable it. To do that, connect to your WordPress website via FTP once again, and and then open your current themes folder and look for the functions.php file within:

WordPress theme functions.php file
WordPress theme functions.php file

Right-click on the file and select the View/Edit option, which will open up it using your local text editor. Once it's open, you lot'll need to add the following code snippet within:

          add_action( 'init', 'stop_heartbeat', i ); function stop_heartbeat() { wp_deregister_script('heartbeat'); }        

Those three lines of code tell WordPress to disable the Heartbeat API. Salve the changes to the functions.php file, close it, and try to access your website again.

If the 503 mistake is gone, you'll know that the API was the trouble. Disabling it birthday removes a lot of useful functionality, nevertheless. Instead, nosotros recommend that you 'tedious down' the Heartbeat, so that it doesn't crusade problems.

The easiest way to practice that is by installing the Heartbeat Control plugin. Actuate the plugin and navigate to the Settings > Heartbeat Command section. Look for the Alter Heartbeat options, and drop the frequency to the lowest possible number:

Heartbeat Control plugin frequency
Heartbeat Control plugin frequency

Save the changes to your settings and return to the functions.php file you tweaked a while back. For the above changes to work, you'll demand to remove the cord of lawmaking you added before and save your changes to the file.

At this stage, the 503 mistake should be gone if the Heartbeat API was the problem. If it isn't, then it'south fourth dimension to try something different.

5. Increase Your Server's Resources

If the 503 error is however occurring despite all your attempts to fix it then far, then at that place's a good chance the trouble might exist due to a lack of server resources. That is to say, you'll demand to upgrade your hosting programme to meet if that fixes the issue. This is especially truthful if you're using cheap WordPress hosting, as they tend to throttle resources. We don't do this at Kinsta.

Upgrading your program is a large decision, however. The smart move is to kickoff contact your web hosting support service and discuss the 503 error with them, as well as the steps you've taken so far to try and solve it. The support squad should be able to assistance you work out the crusade and propose y'all on whether you need to upgrade your program or not.

half-dozen. Review Your Logs and Enable WP_DEBUG

You should also take reward of your error logs. If you're a Kinsta customer, you tin easily run into errors in the log viewer and enable WordPress debug mode in the MyKinsta dashboard. This can help yous speedily narrow down the outcome, peculiarly if it's resulting from a plugin on your site.

Check error logs for HTTP 503 errors
Cheque mistake logs for 503 errors

If your host doesn't accept a logging tool, you can also add together the following lawmaking to your wp-config.php file to enable logging:

                      define            (            'WP_DEBUG'            ,            true            )            ;            define            (            'WP_DEBUG_LOG'            ,            true            )            ;            define            (            'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY'            ,            faux            )            ;                  

The logs are typically located in the /wp-content directory. Inside it, look for a file chosen debug.log and open it upwards.

Others, like hither at Kinsta might accept a dedicated folder chosen "logs".

WordPress error logs folder (SFTP)
WordPress error logs binder (SFTP)

Interpreting your debug log can be a bit intimidating but information technology's non as hard to read equally you might imagine. In a nutshell, the log contains each mistake that pops upwards on your site in chronological order. It shows which file acquired each error, also as which specific lines of code were involved.

Beware: you're non going to find direct references to the 503 error within your log. Even then, if all else fails, it can signal you in the right management by showing you what files are causing issues. That manner, you'll know where to focus your efforts next. Every bit nosotros mentioned in the previous step, now is a good time to make it affect with your hosting provider if you demand further aid resolving this error.

You tin can besides cheque the log files in Apache and Nginx, which are commonly located here:

  • Apache: /var/log/apache2/error.log
  • Nginx: /var/log/nginx/error.log

To learn more, please check out our spider web server showdown: Nginx vs Apache.

If y'all're a Kinsta customer you tin also have advantage of our analytics tool to get a breakdown of the total number of 503 errors and see how oft and when they are occurring. This can aid you troubleshoot if this is an ongoing issue, or maybe something that has resolved itself.

If the 503 error is displaying because of a fatal PHP error, you can also endeavour enabling PHP fault reporting. Just add the following code to the file throwing the mistake. Typically you tin narrow down the file in the panel tab of Google Chrome DevTools.

                      ini_set            (            'display_errors'            ,            ane            )            ;            ini_set            (            'display_startup_errors'            ,            1            )            ;            error_reporting            (            E_ALL            )            ;                  

And you might demand to also modify your php.ini file with the post-obit:

          display_errors            =            on        


If you lot're lucky, the 503 fault volition only evidence up when you put your website into maintenance manner. Notwithstanding, if it appears without alarm, then y'all'll have to curl up your sleeves and practice some troubleshooting.

To go at the root crusade of the 503 mistake, you'll demand to follow these steps to fix it:

  • Temporarily deactivate your WordPress plugins.
  • Deactivate your WordPress theme.
  • Disable your CDN.
  • Limit the WordPress Heartbeat API.
  • Increase your server resources.
  • Review your logs and enable WP_DEBUG.

Have you ever meet the HTTP 503 error in WordPress? Share your experiences with united states of america in the comments department below!

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